Monday, February 27, 2006

Just an Aside...

Whenever I have "issues" with a family member or a close friend, people often ask me why I don't hold a grudge, or why I continue to associate with people who've deeply hurt or angered me. I never really had an answer other than it's just what I felt like doing. However, today when I got my "Daily Inspiration" quote in my e-mail, I found the answer I was looking for in the form of a quote by Hannah More, an 18th century English writer:

"Forgiveness is the economy of the heart.…forgiveness saves the expense of anger, the cost of hatred, the waste of spirits."
And that says it all, really.


beezee said...

Just read your blog! Funny lady! Glad to see you've had success with NS. I'm beginning to understand that this is a long-term kinda thing. I gotta get my mind into it.

Anyway, continued success!

Jamie said...

Hi Miz Cass...stumbled across your blog today. You are doing great. And congratulations on reaching your March 1st goal....EARLY!!! I look forward to cheering you on as we fight this fight!!! 'See" ya!

Shelley said...

Hello Miz Cass what a great blog and a very nice quote!! I must save that one if you don't mind I love getting my daily quotes in the email, although I did not get that one, Thank you for the email that was very kind! Congratulations!! on the new goal I so know what it was like just trying to get to the two's finally I did and If I can just stay off the scale I wont watch it teeter back and forth Grrr we will prevail!! Take good care!