I'm soo excited! Last night I went to the Hard Rock Seminole Casino and won $285 in less than 10 minutes!!! These pics were taken before I left for my night out. The black shirt was one I found in my laundry minutes before I got dressed. It's not my shirt, it's my sister's and IT FITS!!! Like, it even buttoned all the way down without threat of popping when I sat down. Obviously, now it's my new favorite lucky shirt!!
oh my blog.
looking better everyday. keep going Cassie - I'm so proud of you.
I was wondering if you went to the parade!!! I don't even know why I questioned it actually!!! "Can you dig it??" LOL.
You are looking fantastic. Congrats on the 285 smackers!! Can you say new clothes?? :)
Wow!! Congrats on the win! I remember when I was younger, my then bf at the time and I went to the casino for a breakfast buffet. We literally had $10 in our pockets and we had 2 free buffet passes. We ate, then tossed $5 into a machine. Boom like that I had $75. LOL I know it's not much, but at that time It sure seemed like it!
You look fantastic!! I can really really really see a huge difference from your last pics to these current ones. Love that shirt, keep it or buy a new one if you have to! LOL
Hey Cass, Keep It Up! Wanted to say that I am cheering you on from Alabama for your 4th of July goal. Looking good.
Your dog is SO cute! And I am going to take you with me next time I gamble. That is some SERIOUS luck! Congrats on fitting into the shirt.
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