Well, the Florida Marlins' season is over. It was my first season paying any sort of real attention to baseball and I learned A LOT. No one gave this team a chance; they were supposed to have lost 100 games at least. But we didn't. They set a number of individual, franchise and even MLB records, so it was a great season for such a young team. I was fortunate enough to be able to enjoy opening day with my friends Danny, Scott and Joe. These pictures are from last Friday's game against the Phillies, which is the last game I attended. I won the tickets from WQAM, a four pack of seats in the 3 row right behind the dugout PLUS an actual game ball! Now, what I love about this picture is that, for once, I don't look 20 times bigger than everyone else in the photo. I mean, the angle is perfect and actually makes me look like I'm a normal size. How EXCITING!!!

Three Questions:
1. Who's the cutie on your right - my left?
2. Is he as good looking in person?
3. How do I get a hold of him?
Glad to see that the condo is coming together. You guys have done so much work since I was there...it looks amazing Cass. Love the sleigh bed and hello?? How much does your mom ROCK?!
Observe the relationships around you. Pay CLOSE attention. Which ones lift and which ones lean? Which ones encourage and which discourage? Which ones are on a path of growth uphill and which ones are going downhill? When you leave certain people do you feel better or worse? Which ones always have drama and which ones really understand, know or appreciate you?
Who are you, Anonymous? Are you looking for a seat in my front row? LOL
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