NOW, I know the reason I started NS! God was preparing me for the purchase of a condo that needed work. Yesterday, Danny and I proceeded to tear up, like, 700 sq/ft of carpet. Had I been 322.5lbs like I was in January, I might have had a heart attack last night and today's Herald headline would have read, "New Condo Owner Collapses!" or something like that. The carpet part isn't soo bad; it's actually kind of fun hearing the great ripping sound the carpet makes. The hard part was squatting to use the crow bar to pry up the wood along the walls with all the nails sticking out. My back and arms are killing me; not to mention I have blisters on my hands. Boohoo. (Not really; it's too exciting being a condo-owner! LOL)
I'm still in my hiatus from the scale--but only as to weigh-ins. I'm back on plan food-wise and water-wise, but my workouts have been tough to get in given all the work with the condo and stuff. The majority of my workouts for the next couple of weeks will be in the form of manual labor (and I can't believe I'm actually missing my walks with Mosley and my time on the Gazelle). I'm hoping to be able to move in sometime in the next 3 weeks. We'll see. Wish me luck.
Hi! i found your blog through the NS website. I also have a blog (I'm on my 3rd week of NS) - check it out at
You mentioned you've hit a plateau. Now personally, I wish someday I actually lose enough wait to even GET to a plateau, so I could not give you advice of my own. But i have heard from a lot of others that when you're in a plateau, you need to think change. Completely change some parts of your routine that have always worked for you. For instance, if your main form of exercise has been walking, then switch to water-aerobics. If you mostly eat blueberries and grapes as your fruit serving, hold off on those and load up on strawberries instead. Once our bodies settle into a routine, they get stagnant. Mix it up a little and see if that works. Maybe try some new kinds of vegetables? I hope this helps you!
Don't worry about the plateau. Keep doing the right thing and the scale will move. You have heard this before, but I'll say this again. Nutrisystem shouldn't be seen as a diet. This is a lifestyle change. So, keep the faith, renovate that condo and be proud of your accomplishments. Before you know it, you'll have a beautiful home AND a beautiful body. Peace.
I agree with Julie - mix things up a bit, skip your ditto foods and try something new or that you haven't had in a long time. Vary your routine.
Hi, I am so happy for you- losing weight AND a new home. Your condo will be wonderful when you get it situated the way that you want it. What you have planned so far sounds great to me. I will be anxious to see the after pictures, I wish you lots of happiness in your new HOME OF YOUR OWN.
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