Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Slow and Steady Wins The Race

We've ALL heard the fable of the tortoise and the hare in one form or another (and if you haven't, I don't even want to think about where you've been--not even the Bugs Bunny episode?!) Anyway, though I've been preoccupied with working on my condo, my plateau looms large on my mind. I'm happy not to be gaining weight; okay, okay, I confess. I peeked at the scale Sunday afternoon and again this morning, 275 and 273.5, respectively. I continue to hover 6-8lbs heavier than my lowest weight at the end of June. At first, I relaxed on the food for a little bit--but only a little bit. For example, I'd have a non-NS dinner 3 times in a week instead of only once. Then I went back on plan 100% and still no loss. It's discouraging to say the least. I mean, I should be happy I didn't stay in the 279-280 range that I hit right after my last TOM (which reminds me of what's rapidly approaching...sigh).

The point is that I have to remember this is part of the body is still changing and adjusting to my new lifestyle. My daily inspiration quote today has fortified my resolve and I wanted to share it with you:

"Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more."– Louis L'Amour
Also, many, many thanks to all of you who have helped keep my head up during this plateau. It makes me happy to know you are all still rooting for me and are not disappointed in me when it's hard not to be disappointed in myself. XOXOXOXO


O' Natur Nail said...

oooh great quote!!! just hang in, you'll get there!! have faith not fear; it will come off! ps. hope your arms/hands are feeling better after wrestling with carpet! :)

Paul said...

That is a great quote - two great quotes actually. Make sure you are getting enough rest during your condo reconstruction, that sometimes helps you to lose weight (seriously you need your rest). Enjoy YOUR condo!

Paul said...

That is a great quote - two great quotes actually. Make sure you are getting enough rest during your condo reconstruction, that sometimes helps you to lose weight (seriously you need your rest). Enjoy YOUR condo!